Win for Renters: Ending ‘No Grounds’ Eviction in NSW
Sydney Alliance NSW State Election Assembly, February 28th, Westmead.
The Sydney Alliance, a coalition of civil society organisations have been active in seeking greater protection for renters in the lead up to the New South Wales election on 25 March.
Both major parties have committed to end ‘no grounds’ evictions during periodic tenancies, following announcements from Coalition leader Dominic Perrotett and Labour leader Chris Minns.
Dr Jemima Mowbray from the Tenants Union of New South Wales, a member of the Alliance, says:
“This commitment to end no grounds evictions during periodic tenancies is a win for all renters in New South Wales. Both parties are starting to look much more closely at what they need to do to address affordability in the short term.”
“It’s pretty clear decision makers have realised they can't ignore renters anymore. We have been organising in our communities, and this win is directly because of the power and testimonies of everyday renters.”
Shahil Gupta, who rents in Western Sydney, chaired the Sydney Alliance Assembly this week in which asks were put to the Coalition, Labour and the Greens on renting issues. He has been concerned about renting, cost of living and energy issues. He says:
“There are so many renters in Western Sydney, lots of us recent migrants, and we have been pushing for parties to commit to policies that will help make our housing and energy costs affordable. Knowing that I won’t be forced to just pack up and move for no reason eases a lot of the stress I face as a renter.”
Sydney Alliance member organisations who have led this work for the ending of no ground’s evictions include Tenants Union NSW, Shelter NSW, Vinnies, Uniting and many others.
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Diana Olmos -
Shae Flanagan -
Dr Jemima Mowbray -
As part of the diverse coalition that makes up the Sydney Alliance, over 900 church, mosque and temple leaders, union, charity and not-for-profit representatives, researchers, and other community members from across Sydney met with Mr. Kean, Mr. Daniel Mookhey and Ms Jenny Leong last Tuesday 28th February to seek commitments on issues of housing, cost of living, energy and renters, including the removal of no ground’s eviction in NSW.